
Suboxone has garnered attention for its efficacy and potential side effects, some related to dental health. As legal Suboxone cases continue to emerge, it’s crucial to delve into the dental injuries associated with these lawsuits.

In this article, we’ll explore the link between Suboxone and oral problems and the nature of these injuries. We will also look at the legal landscape surrounding Suboxone lawsuits in the context of dental health.

Understanding Suboxone

Suboxone is a prescription drug that combines naloxone and buprenorphine. While naloxone helps prevent abuse, buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist, helps control cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid usage.

It’s prescribed opioid addiction treatment due to its effectiveness in reducing withdrawal symptoms without producing the same euphoric effects as opioids. Suboxone currently holds the monopoly in addiction treatment, with a global market size of over $6.1 billion in 2022.

However, increasing lawsuits against manufacturers may hinder their growth potential. Therefore, it is expected to grow at a CAGR of only 4% between 2022 and 2030.

The Link Between Suboxone and Dental Problems

While Suboxone has been instrumental in combating opioid addiction, there have been reported cases linking its usage to various dental problems. One significant factor contributing to oral issues among Suboxone users is xerostomia, commonly known as dry mouth.

A dry mouth occurs when the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva, leading to a lack of moisture. Suboxone can cause dry mouth as a side effect, increasing the risk of dental decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

Several studies have proven the link between the ingredients of Suboxone and oral issues. For instance, a JAMA Network study concluded that tooth-related problems are highly prevalent among buprenorphine/naloxone users. It included 21,404 new users categorized into different groups based on age, sex, and comorbidities.

It was found that the incidence of severe dental issues was 21.6 per 1000 person-years among sublingual buprenorphine/naloxone users. Simultaneously, the prevalence was 12.2 in transdermal buprenorphine and 10.9 in oral naltrexone users.

Due to this association, many individuals who have faced oral problems have filed Suboxone lawsuits against the manufacturer Indivior. According to TruLaw, plaintiffs allege that Suboxone’s formulation can cause tooth decay. The manufacturer should have warned about these potential oral issues but failed to do so and neglected consumer health.


If you encounter such issues, contact an attorney and file a Suboxone lawsuit. You may be eligible for appropriate compensation for the damages and suffering you have endured. The compensation amount may differ based on factors such as the severity of the injury, medical expenses, lost wages, etc.

Common Dental Injuries Associated With Suboxone Use

Like many other medications, it can have side effects, some of which may indirectly lead to dental issues. Here are some common dental injuries associated with Suboxone use:

Tooth Decay (Caries)

A dry mouth creates an environment conducive to bacterial growth, increasing the risk of tooth decay. Without sufficient saliva to neutralize acids and wash away food particles, bacteria thrive, causing demineralization of tooth enamel, which leads to cavities.

Suboxone is known to increase acidic levels in the mouth, similar to acidic beverages. This acidic nature is proven to cause an erosive effect on the teeth. For instance, an NCBI study found that acidic beverages and foods with apple cider or vinegar can have the most demineralizing effect.

Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease)

Gum disease, characterized by gum inflammation and possible soft tissue damage, can also be exacerbated by dry mouth. Inadequate dental hygiene, made worse by dry mouth, might hasten the advancement of periodontal disease. Indications, including gum bleeding, foul breath, and even tooth loss, may result from this.

Oral Thrush (Candidiasis)

Another common issue associated with Suboxone use is oral thrush, a fungal infection caused by Candida albicans. A dry mouth creates an ideal environment for Candida overgrowth, resulting in white patches on the tongue, inner cheeks, and mouth roof. Oral thrush can be uncomfortable and may require antifungal treatment to resolve.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a common oral problem most individuals face. An NCBI study states that it eventually affects 80% to 90% of the general population. It can be categorized into two types: sleep and awake bruxism. As the name suggests, the former occurs while asleep and the latter when you are awake.

Bruxism can lead to enamel wear, tooth fractures, and jaw pain. The exact cause of bruxism in Suboxone users is not understood; it may be related to the effects on the central nervous system.

Legal Landscape and Suboxone Lawsuits

The link between Suboxone use and dental injuries has prompted legal action in some cases. Individuals who have experienced severe dental problems as a result of Suboxone use may pursue legal recourse to seek compensation.

Manufacturers of Suboxone must warn consumers about potential side effects, including those related to dental health. Failure to provide adequate warnings or downplaying the risks associated with Suboxone could lead to lawsuit liability.

Challenges in Suboxone Lawsuits

Proving causation in Suboxone lawsuits can be challenging, as dental problems may have multiple contributing factors. Establishing a direct link between Suboxone use and specific dental injuries requires thorough documentation of medical records, expert testimony, and other evidence. Additionally, the extent of the manufacturer’s liability may vary depending on the plaintiff’s previous dental health condition.

It is due to such challenges that legal proceedings have been slow in these Suboxone lawsuits. According to Drugwatch, there are currently 205 pending lawsuits in multidistrict litigation as of May 2024. However, there are no signs of an initial hearing or any schedule for the proceedings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It True That Suboxone Might Lead to Tooth Issues?

Indeed, using Suboxone has been linked to several dental problems, such as bruxism, dry mouth, and hastened tooth decay. If treatment for these adverse effects is not received, it may lead to cavities, gum disease, and tooth wear.

How Does Suboxone Bring on a Dry Mouth?

Suboxone may cause xerostomia, or dry mouth, by reducing salivary flow. Saliva aids in tooth decay prevention, mouth cleaning, and acid neutralization. People who don’t have enough saliva may be more likely to have dental issues.

What Precautions May Suboxone Users Take to Safeguard Their Oral Health?

Suboxone users should prioritize maintaining proper oral hygiene, including using fluoride toothpaste twice daily, flossing daily, and scheduling routine dental examinations.


They should also avoid acidic or sugary meals and beverages to prevent dental decay and maintain adequate hydration.

Suboxone Is Causing Dental Ache for Me. How Should I Proceed?

If you have tooth pain or other dental problems while using Suboxone, getting quick dental care is critical. In addition to diagnosing and treating the issue appropriately, your dentist may suggest handling any adverse effects.

Can I Sue if Using Suboxone Caused Me to Suffer Tooth Injuries?

You might be able to sue for damages if you think that using Suboxone contributed to your oral injuries. To further understand your legal options, speak with an experienced lawyer on pharmaceutical disputes.

To summarize, while Suboxone has been instrumental in addressing opioid addiction, its use is not without potential risks, including dental problems. Dry mouth, a common side effect of Suboxone, can increase the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, oral thrush, and bruxism.

In severe cases, individuals may pursue legal action against Suboxone manufacturers for failing to adequately warn about these risks. As awareness of the link between Suboxone and dental injuries grows, patients must monitor oral health closely and promptly address any issues. Additionally, manufacturers must continue to prioritize patient safety by providing comprehensive warnings and instructions for Suboxone use.

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