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Corellium is a technology company focused on helping companies protect their digital devices. They have recently secured $25 million in Series A funding to help them continue to develop innovative security solutions.

In this article, we will explore the technology and benefits of Corellium’s solutions and how they can help organisations keep their digital devices secure and safe.

Overview of Corellium

Corellium is a leading virtualization technology provider that enables organisations to protect their digital infrastructure. Their platform, Corellium Virtualization Platform (CVP), is designed to provide enterprises with the agility, scalability, and visibility needed to stay ahead in a competitive digital environment. Corellium’s system ensures organisations have access to a secure ecosystem for their devices and data, regardless of their size or platform. This includes core capabilities such as virtualized security sandboxes, distributed flexibility and automation, integrated performance monitoring and management tools.

Corellium also provides additional value-added features, including avatars for authentication and authorization, configurable microservices for orchestration of workloads across cloud services, and seamless integration with 3rd party offerings from popular cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. Moreover, customers can choose from various subscription plans that address different needs based on how many users they manage within their organisation. All these combined make Corellium’s platform incredibly valuable to those looking for a quick way to protect their digital devices while keeping them secure at the same time.

How Corellium’s technology helps companies keep their digital devices safe

As our world increasingly depends on digital devices and technology, secure use of these devices is a major concern for many companies. Corellium has emerged as the leader in virtual machine security solutions for businesses, providing secure virtualized copies of all your digital products. This keeps them safe from unauthorised access and malicious actors.

Corellium’s security solution is built around a revolutionary virtual machine (VM) encryption technology. The VM encrypts the entire data set for a given device, allowing it to be moved around without compromising its contents or integrity. This makes it much more resilient against attacks from outside sources, such as hackers and malware.

Corellium also provides advanced monitoring capabilities to track any changes made to the virtual machines in real time. With this feature, companies can quickly respond to potential threats or issues with their digital devices before they become major problems. This helps ensure that their data remains secure at all times.

In addition to its high-level encryption and monitoring features, Corellium uses various other measures to keep data secure. These include two factor authentication, access control systems (ACL), encryption at rest and in transit protocols, and support for multiple authentication protocols such as Kerberos and LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). All these measures help companies keep their data safe from unauthorised access and damage.

Corellium’s Technology

Corellium, a digital security company, recently raised $25 million in Series A funds to help companies protect their digital devices from the ever-looming threat of cyber attacks.

Corellium’s technology allows organisations to build and deploy secure virtualized infrastructures and systems in the cloud, to protect their data and digital devices against malicious actors.

This heading will examine Corellium’s technology and how it can help companies keep their devices safe.

Overview of Corellium’s technology

Corellium is a virtualization technology provider, making products and services that help individuals and businesses manage their digital devices. Its technologies allow for secure end-to-end mobile device management (MDM) and streamlined deployment and management of connected devices.

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Corellium’s technology creates virtual machines (VMs) on the targeted device and synchronises the VM contents with the original device OS. The resulting VM allows users to view their mobile data from a single, secure platform without accessing multiple device user interfaces (UIs). Corellium’s technology also encrypted communication between the virtual machine and source system, ensuring data remains safe and secure.

Corellium’s tools are designed to reduce setup time for enterprise projects by providing a much faster way to deploy applications – eliminating many manual tasks typically required with traditional virtualization platforms. In addition, this technology allows enterprises to manage large numbers of physical devices across different sites through a single virtual machine terminal, streamlining MDM processes while reducing costs associated with traditional deployments.

Overall, Corellium’s technology provides businesses with an automated and cost-effective way of keeping their digital devices safe while still maintaining a clean user experience on each device. In addition, as more businesses turn to mobility solutions to manage their physical infrastructure, Corellium’s innovative technologies provide advantages over older approaches like manual deployment processes or remote managing servers.

How Corellium’s technology helps companies secure their digital devices

Corellium’s cloud-based technology provides a secure, managed environment for companies to remotely manage and protect their digital devices. Corellium’s platform takes the guesswork out of managing a company’s digital devices, powering user accounts, and configuring settings from one central location. In addition, by creating an intuitive interface with multiple layers of security, Corellium enables businesses to quickly deploy and manage digital devices without requiring specialised IT teams.

With Corellium’s security measures in place, businesses have control over who accesses and modifies their device settings. In addition, all changes performed through the dashboard are logged in real time so that users can easily evaluation what has been done. This lets companies stay on top of suspicious activity or malicious behaviour on their connected devices.

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Corellium also helps secure business data by encrypting all communication between clients and servers. This ensures that no one outside the company can access company information stored in the system without authorization. In addition, through Corellium’s various authentication methods — including multi-factor authentication — companies can ensure that only authorised individuals can access sensitive business data and applications on digital devices.

By maintaining control over digital devices without relying on specialised IT teams, Corellium allows businesses to unlock business insights faster while keeping data safe from unauthorised access or malicious actors. In addition, with more secure usage of digital platforms comes improved customer service and satisfaction — allowing companies to build loyal customers who trust them with their data security needs.

Corellium secures $25M Series A to help companies keep their digital devices safe

Corellium, a virtualization technology provider, has recently secured a $25M Series A funding round. This new funding will help Corellium expand their business and offer more products and services that will help companies protect their digital devices from external threats.

Let’s examine what this new funding will mean for the company and how it can help secure digital devices.

Overview of Corellium’s Series A funding

Corellium, a security-focused short-term cloud platform provider, announced its first round of venture capital financing this April. This Series A round of funding was led by Kleiner Perkins and NextEquity Partners, with participation from Lux Capital, Square Peg Capital and GV.

In exchange for its investment in Corellium, Kleiner Perkins gained a seat on the company’s Board of Directors. With the additional funding, Corellium plans to accelerate product development and expand sales efforts.

Corellium provides technology that helps companies keep their digital devices safe from cyberattacks. It offers virtualization services that make your existing cloud infrastructure more secure while optimising performance at scale. Corellium’s platform is tailored to enable secure mobility across multiple endpoint devices with granular control of access rights and privileges for users. The company also offers an end-to-end device testing service to detect vulnerabilities before attackers or criminals exploit them.

Existing customers of Corellium include medical device manufacturers, aerospace firms and enterprise developers who need real-time insights into the security posture of their connected systems to protect their critical assets from sophisticated threats targeting vulnerable systems worldwide every day.

By leveraging its advanced application infrastructure capabilities along with partnerships with global leaders in security services such as Check Point Software Technologies and McAfee, Corellium will be able to better protect clients against zero-day threats as well protect their data without compromising system performance or uptime for those clients needing fast response times to ever evolving attack methods employed by malicious actors anywhere in the world.

How Corellium’s Series A funding will help companies keep their digital devices safe

Corellium, a virtualization software company, recently announced that it has raised $60 million in Series A funding. This new capital will help the company expand its foothold and develop its cyber security technology.

Corellium’s Series A funding will enable the company to innovate current services and launch new ones that help companies stay better protected on their digital devices. Corellium’s unique software is cutting-edge and allows companies to quickly detect threats on their network environment. It is designed to protect against malicious actors and unauthorised access or modification of sensitive assets and monitor user activity associated with those assets.

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The improved cyber-security tools offered by Corellium help organisations identify attacks before any data can be stolen or damaged and correct them before significant damage is done. Additionally, Corellium helps ensure regulatory compliance by providing real-time visibility into all user activities on company networks—which can be extremely helpful during audits and investigations.

By working closely with customers’ security teams, Corellium’s Series A overfunding also supports users in staying informed of the latest technologies available for threat detection on their platforms along with best practices for managing potential threats quickly and effectively. Furthermore, venture capital funding enables customers to rapidly deploy full-featured software solution deployments so they can identify, analyse and respond more effectively to emerging cyber threats.

As businesses increasingly rely on networks for day-to-day operations, Corellium’s Series A investment provides an essential resource for keeping digital devices safe from malicious actors–helping companies safeguard vulnerabilities from targeted attacks while meeting real customer needs efficiently.

Benefits of Corellium’s Technology

Corellium’s technology provides an innovative way for companies to secure and protect their digital devices. Recently, the company raised a $25 million Series A investment to continue helping customers ensure their digital devices remain safe.

In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of Corellium’s technology and how it can help companies keep their devices secure.

Overview of the benefits of Corellium’s technology

Corellium’s platform enables companies to deliver secure, reliable and performant digital experiences for their customers and employees quickly and easily. Corellium’s technology combines virtualization, visibility, scalability and security to protect digital devices across web, mobile, cloud and IoT.

The core benefits of Corellium’s technology are as follows:

1. Virtualization: Corellium’s virtualization framework allows companies to easily access isolated but interconnected environments with their existing infrastructure, allowing developers to rapidly test new applications and devices with minimum disruption to existing services. This leads to faster product innovation cycles while keeping devices safe from malicious attacks.

2. Visibility: Corellium’s dashboard-based system provides a single view of all running components within the environment, allowing companies to track operations of all their connected devices in real-time or on demand with fine-grain detail at every stage of the process. This allows them to quickly identify problems or malicious activity before it can cause any damage or disruption.

3. Scalability: Using microservices software architecture and automated deployment tools, organisations can scale out applications dynamically as needed without worrying about manual configuration or performance degradation due to expanding workloads on an individual device or cluster of appliances. This scalable model ensures that businesses maintain high availability while eliminating unnecessary complexities associated with outdated methods such as classical operating systems scaling techniques (eg., vertical scaling).

4. Security: Corellium proactively defends against known threats and suspicious behaviour through audit trails for every device connection, safeguarding against uninvited access from hackers or malicious agents attempting access through unknown channels like zero-day exploits and phishing attempts. Furthermore, privileged users have additional controls over user authentication processes for implementing authorization levels required by data privacy regulations such as GDPR/CCPA compliance requirements.

How Corellium’s technology helps companies increase security and productivity

Corellium’s technology allows companies to rapidly prototype, test, and deploy software on digital devices with minimal cost. The platform also provides robust security and productivity solutions to help companies protect their data while achieving optimal efficiency.

Corellium’s technology offers features such as virtualization and sandboxing, which allow companies to securely and rapidly build and deploy applications without affecting the performance of the devices. It also offers advanced debugging capabilities that allow developers to quickly identify issues, analyse source code, and find solutions without breaking an existing application. In addition, Corellium’s technology offers distinct advantages over traditional emulated environments regarding security. This allows companies to run new applications while avoiding malicious actors or threats that could damage hardware if unprotected.

Furthermore, Corellium’s platform ensures maximum performance by utilising low-footprint containers within a lightweight operating system (OS). This helps reduce cost by consolidating multiple resources into a single device while ensuring improved reliability across different workloads. It also isolates production data from development data for better control over operations.

Overall, Corellium’s technology helps companies secure their digital devices while maximising productivity gains with robust security measures and increased flexibility in software development actions. By utilising this platform, businesses can access powerful features they need while receiving full transparency into any code changes made by developers.

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