wrapbook 100m tiger global 147m marchtanbloomberg

We are excited to announce the launching of our Series B of $100M to further improve the products and services of our company. This investment strengthens our commitment to creating innovative and disruptive technologies in the industry.

We look forward to leveraging the capital to further enhance our presence in the market and grow our business.

Overview of the Series B

Our Series B of $100M was designed to provide the capital needed to continue growing and scaling our rapidly expanding international operations. This funding comes with an expected deployment timeline into three key categories: product growth, hiring new talent, and expanding our geographic reach. The goal is to build a lasting, global presence while providing exceptional products and services to our customers.

The deployment of this fund will take place across four different rounds and will feature two lead investors. This marks a period of intense growth for us which we believe will lead us from the startup stage into a successful global company. The timeline for deployment has been established following extensive due diligence by both investors who have committed their funds based on this plan.

To summarise the plan for this Series B:

  • The investment round is for $100M in total across four different rounds
  • It has two lead investors
  • The focus is on product growth, talent acquisition, and international expansion
  • This marks a period of intense growth from startup to global success
  • Funds are being deployed according to an established timeline after due diligence

How it will be used

Our Series B financing of $100M is an important milestone in the success of our company and will be used to strengthen our position in the industry. Specifically, a portion of the funds will be directed towards increasing our development capacity with new technology and personnel investments, fueling existing partnerships, launching new collaborations, and further expanding our product portfolio.

We plan to direct a large portion of the funds into research & development to innovate creative new products that differentiate us from other industry players. Additionally, we envision increasing our market presence by making strategic investments into key long-term partnerships and exploiting opportunities for collaboration with outside talent. One example is investing in multiple accelerators focused on emerging technologies, such as healthcare technology and agricultural biotechnology that can help expand our current offerings. We are also committed to building out high-value content subscriptions and incubating a set of brand-new products. Finally, the investment ensures broader cross-functional collaboration among technical and non-technical teams while maximising results over time.

Announcing Our Series B of $100M

We are proud to announce our Series B of $100M. This marks an exciting step forward for our company as it allows us to invest further in our growth, attract top talent, and continue to provide the best customer experience.

This round of funding will help us continue building on our successes and create a promising future for our company.

Milestones achieved since Series A

Since we closed our Series A of $50M in 2017, we’ve achieved impressive milestones related to customer growth, product development, and overall business growth.

We successfully launched nine major products and enhancements in the past two years. We also grew our customer base significantly with users in more than 100 countries worldwide. In addition, we made major investments in technology which led to the development of our proprietary operating platform. These successes allowed us to secure an additional round of funding provided by Series B investors for $100 million.

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These funds will be used to further develop existing products, launch new ones, expand into new markets, and increase sales and marketing efforts on a global scale. With this Series B investment, we anticipate creating hundreds of jobs over time and solidifying our position as a leader in the software industry for years to come.

Impact of the new funding

Our Series B capital injection of $100 million brings an exciting new growth potential. With this injection, the funds allow us to expand our operations in several key areas that hold much promise for the future. These strategic investments should improve our bottom line and provide a platform for long-term growth across many aspects of the company.

Firstly, we plan on utilising this investment to finance product and service expansion into new initiatives and markets. We are researching these areas and intending to build upon our current customer base by introducing new offers tailored to those customers’ needs.

The addition of $100 million also allows us to invest heavily in quality, ensuring that each customer experience is top-notch and provides a memorable experience. We’re expanding our engineering staff, increasing production capabilities, employing creative practices, and investing in specialised equipment for better product lines – all to create longer-term value for customers and shareholders.

We also prioritise strengthening internal processes including risk management and talent acquisition strategies – empowering our team to tackle big projects with confidence and technical prowess. This directly feeds into a greener approach towards sustainability initiatives; reducing waste output and maintaining ethical manufacturing practices throughout our supply chain.

Finally, we plan on using this capital injection to further build external relationships such as partnering with retail outlets or online shopping portals, corporate sponsorships and increased visibility through targeted marketing campaigns that can help us reach out to more potential customers than before. In short: We are incredibly excited by the possibilities and cannot wait to get started!

Investment Details

We are pleased to announce our Series B of $100M investment round. This investment will give us the necessary funds to accelerate our product innovation and development efforts. We are confident that our new round of funding will help us reach our goals efficiently and successfully.

In this section, we will provide more details about the investment.

Investors and their contributions

Our Series B is backed by an exciting mix of investors, from well-established venture capital firms and private investors to companies actively engaged in strategy partnerships. The key investments in our round include:

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  • $50M in equity from Nexus Ventures, a firm with prior success investing in early stage tech companies.
  • $25M in debt financing from Janus Capital, a leading global asset manager.
  • $15M investment by VaynerCapital, part of Gary Vaynerchuk’s VaynerMedia group.
  • $10M convertible equity investment from Goldman Sachs backed venture fund GSV Acceleration Fund.
  • $5 million USDE investment by Naspers and $2M USDE follow-on investment from HBD Venture Capital for Total USDE 7 Million Investment amount.

In addition to these anchor investments the round is being completed through smaller contributions from angel investors and high net worth individuals who have partnered with us to help us realise our objectives and create outstanding value for our shareholders.

What the money will be used for

The $100 million raised through our Series B funding will be used to strengthen mobile product offerings, accelerate release of new features and platforms, and extend product reach domestically and abroad.

Specifically, the money will go toward expanding development capabilities with hiring more talented engineers, building out infrastructure support for the scalable growth of products, advancing marketing efforts for consumer brand awareness, driving user retention and engagement, and promoting deeper integration of data-driven insights into product innovation.

The investments into our core business areas — engineering, design, analytics and marketing — aim to permit our team to drive an enhanced end-user experience that taps into a worldwide user base. In addition, the goal is to drive growth in current customer segments and create new ones that enable us to achieve leadership.

Finally, we plan on investing in strategic initiatives geared towards developing partnerships with external companies such as software providers or research labs that may help further our mission of connecting people with products they love on a global scale.

Impact on the Market

Today, we proudly announce that we have secured our Series B of $100M. This investment will bring us closer to our mission of revolutionising the marketplace. We’re hoping to have an immediate impact in this sector, and this funding injection will be instrumental in helping us achieve our goals.

Let’s look at the potential impact that this new capital could have on the market.

Increased market presence

Launching our Series B capital raise of $100M allows us to accelerate our mission to create solutions that empower companies and individuals. We believe in collaborating with strategic partners and leveraging the latest technology to drive value across industries.

This fresh capital gives us access to previously inaccessible markets, which will help us expand our global reach and influence. We are also now able to offer improved products and services that meet the needs of more customers, while still being affordable. This is especially important for reducing the entry cost for small businesses participating in the digital economy.

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We also plan on investing heavily into research & development initiatives across several areas, including enhanced cloud infrastructure, data science, artificial intelligence, analytics, messaging systems security protocols and more. Our investment into these initiatives will significantly increase our ability to provide comprehensive digital solutions for various industries, ensuring everyone benefits from a connected world – from small business owners to large-scale enterprises alike.

Plans and goals

As part of our Series B of $100 million, we’re excited to announce our plans and goals for the coming years. We focus on giving marketers the data and insights they need to make better decisions in an increasingly digital world. We plan to move quickly in this area. We have outlined several initiatives that will help marketers be more informed about consumer purchasing behaviour, technology trends, and advertising efficiency, among other areas.

This latest round is the largest capital raise from a single investor in our industry so far and will enable us to execute our long-term growth strategy. Our new found capital will fuel further product innovation, strengthen our network of partners, allow us to scale at a faster pace and most importantly – create an even bigger impact on the market.

Over time, as markets evolve worldwide, it’s important to understand what insights are available throughout different markets and sectors so understanding market dynamics is key. With this extra funding we plan to invest heavily in understanding these dynamics within markets we are already operating and throughout other emerging countries too.

We’ll also be investing significantly into data science capabilities so that marketers can access insights that are otherwise difficult to uncover or hidden away somewhere between various datasets. We’re confident that these investments will further enhance marketers experience with our platform as well as helping them make informed decisions for their businesses going forward.


Today, we proudly announce that we have closed our series B funding round of USD 100 million. We are grateful to have had our investors’ support and believe this will be an important milestone towards achieving our ambitions. We are now even more well-positioned to move forward with our strategies, and look forward to bringing our vision to life.

Summary of the Series B

Series B of our company represents a major step forward in the growth and development of our business. Our $100 million investment will help us realise the objectives outlined in our road map for expansion, product diversification, and innovation.

We plan to utilise this capital to further develop existing products and services, launch new ones, and strengthen global presence. In addition, we are committed to boosting customer engagement with technology-oriented solutions, enhancing the user experience, improving operational efficiency within all departments, and increasing data security. These funds will also be used as an engine for diversity initiatives and various community-focused initiatives in local markets.

This new round of financing is a testament to the value investors view our projects and technologies. As we move forward with this capital injection, we firmly believe that our company will be well on its way to becoming a global leader in our sector.

Thanking the investors

On behalf of our team at {company name}, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the investors who have participated in our Series B of $100M. Our success today was made possible largely thanks to the trust and confidence that you have placed in our vision for the future.

We know tremendous risk is inherent in any investment decision, and we are honoured that you have chosen to partner with us as we move forward. Your dedication and support will play a critical role in helping us reach our strategic goals over the coming months, so thank you for your commitment.

Our team takes great pride in continuously improving and innovating, which is only possible through commitments from your partners who share the same values and objectives. Your belief in this mission will be instrumental as we continue this exciting journey together.

Thank you once again and here’s to a long collaboration!

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