1. Remove all of the old glazing putty from the window using a putty knife. If the putty is hard and difficult to remove, you can heat it up with a hair dryer to make it softer and easier to scrape off.
  2. Clean the surface of the window thoroughly with mineral spirits or another type of paint thinner. This will remove any grease, grime or dirt that could prevent the new glazing putty from adhering properly.
  3. Apply a bead of new glazing putty around the perimeter of the window opening. Use your fingers to smooth it out and make sure there are no air bubbles.
  4. Place the new windowpane into the opening and press it down firmly to adhere the putty to the surface.
  5. Trim off any excess putty that is protruding from around the edges of the window using a sharp knife.
  6. Allow the putty to dry for at least 24 hours before painting or staining the window.

How to glaze a window

Re-glazing wood windows is a relatively simple do-it-yourself project that can make a big difference in the appearance of your home. By removing the old, cracked and peeling glazing putty and replacing it with fresh putty, you can restore the beauty of your wood windows and keep them looking like new for years to come. Follow the steps below to learn how to re-glaze a wood window.

What is window glazing and why do windows need it?

Window glazing is a clear or colored glass or plastic lens that covers the opening of a window. It protects the interior of the home from the elements and provides insulation against heat loss and drafts. Over time, the putty that holds the window glaze in place can deteriorate, allowing moisture to seep in and causing the putty to crack and peel. When this happens, it’s time to re-glaze the window.

Tools & Materials Needed:

  • Putty knife
  • Hair dryer (optional)
  • Mineral spirits or paint thinner
  • New glazing putty
  • Sharp knife

The different types of window glazing

  • Clear glazing: A clear lens that provides a clear view and maximum light transmission.
  • Colorless glazing: A colorless lens that offers privacy while still allowing some light to pass through.
  • Opaque glazing: A completely opaque lens that blocks all light from passing through.

Advantages of re-glazing your wood windows

  • Prevents moisture damage: By sealing the window opening with new glazing putty, you can help prevent moisture from seeping in and damaging the wood.
  • Improves energy efficiency: fresh glazing putty provides a tight seal that helps to insulate the window and improve energy efficiency.
  • Restores beauty: Re-glazing can make an old, dull window look brand new again.

Disadvantages of not re-glazing your wood windows  

  • accelerated deterioration: If the old glazing putty is allowed to remain in place, it will continue to deteriorate and could eventually fall out, leaving the window unprotected.
  • increased energy costs: An improperly sealed window can let drafts and heat escape, leading to higher energy bills.
  • decreased curb appeal: Peeling and cracked glazing putty can make your home look old and run-down

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